February 02, 2012

INTERVIEW: 7 Deadly Sins (Envy)

ENVY; Jealousy, covetousness; resentment, bitterness, discontent; the green-eyed monster.

Name: James Oh

Would representing “envy” be within your comfort zone, or is it a new area of experimentation?

It would be hard! I was told to stick to tutting which is very… mathematical and one-sided so there’s not a lot of room for expression. But it’ll be good, I’m looking forward to it.

When did you start dancing?

I started at the end of grade 12… so it’s pretty late for a dancer. I’ve only been dancing for 2 and a half years now.

What type of dancing do you do?

Mostly breaking. I actually started off with some tutting. And… now I’m getting more into hip-hop and choreography.

What other dance groups are you a part of?

I’m a part of UWO breakers, Hip-Hop Western and Woof (sp?).

Is dancing a hobby or something you want to pursue further?

I definitely want to dance for my whole life.

What do you hope to gain from being a part of CAISA Fashion Show?

I definitely want to have fun! And it’ll help me overcome my stage fright. I haven’t performed as much since I’m so inexperienced right now.

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