February 04, 2012

INTERVIEW: 7 Deadly Sins (Gluttony)

Gluttony; Habitual greed or excess in eating

Name: Courtney Dawn Gayne

When did you start dancing? And what inspired you to start?

I started dancing when I was about 9 years old, I think I was in grade 5. And I guess… that’s a pretty late bloomer for studio? My mom’s friend actually put her daughter into dance, and she recommended that I try it. And as soon as I did, I fell in love!

What type of dance do you do?

I trained in a couple different types of dance; Hip-hop, contemporary, lyrical, ballet, jazz, modern, tap, and acro.

How do you feel about portraying “Gluttony” with dance?

I think it’s going to be a challenge. Especially because people usually associate gluttony with “Supersize Me” at McDonald’s – I don’t want that to be something I’m going to be representing (…) It’s a main-stream word (…) So I think it’ll be a challenge to associate it with different things, and to make people break their own associations with that word in their mind.

What other dance groups are you a part of?

Last year I was a dancer for a dance team called “Emotion” which is a competitive dance team based in London, and it’s a focus on ballet and contemporary. This year, I’m dancing with Keith Chan for Black Dahlia.

What do you hope to gain from being a part of CAISA Fashion Show 2012?

I want to take this as an experience to expand my repertoire with the people that I’ve worked with. It’ll be a really professional opportunity with people helping with costume and hair, and being choreographed for – it’s going to be really nice (…) I’m looking forward to being a student again, and just… improving my dancing. I’m really looking forward to the show!

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