February 06, 2012

50 Things I Learned in 2011

Guest Blogger: Joshua Lowe
Follow @joshhlowe
  1. Always think long-term success
  2. Fashion is key. People notice when you put in the effort. (CFS quote right there - Jess)
  3. There’s a time for work and a time for play…mostly the former
  4. Relationships tend to end spontaneously
  5. Nice guys never get the girl, because nice guys never make the right moves.
  6. When you think you’re right… you’re probably wrong
  7. Don’t make a big deal out of the little things
  8. Trust is everything
  9. Genuinely nice people are hard to come by these days
  10. Hard work pays off… in the distant future.
  11. Rice is life, life is rice.
  12. There are some lazy-mofos who don’t deserve to be in university
  13. Giving is better than receiving (non-sexual way, you pervs LOL)
  14. Friends come and go
  15. I like girls with accents LOL
  16. Learn to balance everything in your life. Never let one person define it.
  17. It’s better to get rejected than to never ask
  18. Breakfast is freakin’ orgasmic
  19. Too much consumerism in this world
  20. Be happy and smile more often
  21. Facebook/twitter/social networking in general take up too much time
  22. Family is always there for you
  23. Taxi drivers will take advantage of you when you’re drunk
  24. Cuddling is key
  25. Explore and satisfy your curiosities while you’re still young
  26. Don’t spend a lot of money on your SO. A good relationship doesn’t require extravagance.
  27. Tim Horton’s muffins are key
  28. You can never have enough sugar in your coffee
  29. If you squeegee yourself after you shower, there’s less water/wetness when you get out.
  30. Make sure you know your class schedule and labs…so you don’t miss any and lose 3%…:$
  31. Photography is exciting
  32. Lucky Charms are key
  33. Sports - whether ping pong or volleyball - are 99% psychological
  34. Girls should never bring a purse to a club/bar. People are sneaky and can open it and steal your wallet.
  35. People like stealing shit. Especially $400 Tiffany rings left in a wallet, in a mailbox.
  36. iPhones > Blackberrys :P
  37. Surround yourself with successful people
  38. Girls are just as horny as guys
  39. I can’t study at cubicles… or else I fall asleep. I should study at open/large tables.
  40. Fried rice is fairly easy to make and tastes like sex
  41. Never take public transit after drinking on St. Patrick’s Day
  42. Jagerbombs are sex
  43. You’ll never find the perfect person, but you can find someone whose flaws you accept and who accepts your flaws.
  44. Date someone who you put on a pedestal
  45. Never drive, especially on the highway, when you’re sleepy.
  46. Hand sanitizer is key, especially for us germaphobes
  47. iPod headphones are designed to break/fuck-up easily
  48. Long car rides are the best for thinking things through
  49. Kino
  50. Time heals all things (cliche, but true)

Josh has inspired me to write my own list. What's on yours?

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