January 31, 2012

INTERVIEW: Seven Deadly Sins (Wrath)

WRATH; Extreme anger (chiefly used for humorous or rhetorical effect)

NAME: Christine Song

Would representing "wrath" be easy or challenging?

I’ve done a lot of the hard hitting dancing. And I guess people know me to be the one who brings the very hard hitting… and grimy… moves. I think that’s why they chose me to represent ‘wrath’.

When did you start dancing?

I started training and getting more serious about dance about 5/6 years ago. I’ve always known that I liked dancing and I started way back in elementary school but my parents wouldn’t let me take dance lessons. They wanted me to join the choir instead (laughing). But um… ever since grade 10, it’s gotten serious. I got recruited onto a dance team in Toronto. I’ve done a lot of competitions and performances.

Why do you enjoy dancing?

It’s the communit , and it’s people that are in the community. It’s a way for me to express my feelings. It’s the music. It’s… everything… around dance. It lifts my spirits (laughing)!

What’s your favourite type of dance?

Actually, I’ve been doing hip-hop dancing my whole life. Ever since I started dancing, it’s been hip-hop, street hip-hop, choreography hip-hop. I’ve also done popping and lyrical. That’s pretty much my forté.

What do you hope to gain from being a part of CAISA Fashion Show?

Because wrath is so specific, and it’s gonna be pretty much focused on one emotion or feeling or type of dancing… I hope to learn that and use it later on, the experience. Also, I’m going to be working with Lyza and she’s a crazy choreographer and a crazy dancer. I’m really excited to work with her!

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