January 13, 2012

Interview: Clothing Managers at American Apparel Fitting

The lives of all the CAISA Fashion Show execs are currently consumed by the preparation for the annual CFS look book. Today, I was given the opportunity to gain insight into the roles of CFS' clothing managers at an American Apparel clothing fitting. I observed the selection process where the clothing managers rummaged through the store looking for the perfect outfits. The dancers tried on their outfits; sometimes the first outfit was right-on, other times it took several more attempts. And then there were the more technical, formal tasks such as the signing of contracts. Here's a behind-the-scenes interview with two of CFS' clothing managers Nancy Meng and Jessica Liao.

What was/were the goal(s) of today’s American Apparel clothing fitting?
Nancy: We needed to find different outfits to represent each of the 7 deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. There were 7 main outfits for the dancers representative of a particular sin, and there were several other outfits for the models accompanying the dancer in a scene.

What was the biggest challenge of today’s clothing fitting?
Jessica: Since each dancer was going to be representative of their particular sin, they had to fully embody certain emotions associated with their sin. Every outfit we chose had a specific colour and style, and had to accurately convey that emotion through the photographs.

What was unique about today’s clothing fitting?
Nancy: Usually stores will pick out what they want you to wear, and sometimes they’ll ask models to be present to try the clothes on. We always have input in what we’d like to see. However, this fitting was unique in that they provided us with lots of leeway and freedom for us to choose what we wanted and to express ourselves.

Of all the possible different clothing stores, why did you specifically choose American Apparel for this particular photo shoot?
Jessica: We chose American Apparel because their clothing is very versatile with their wide selection of styles and colours. This makes their clothing really easy to work with, allowing us to exercise our creativity and really cater to the needs of this photoshoot. And of course, all their clothing are great quality and have amazing fit.
Why do you enjoy being a clothing manager for CFS?
Nancy and Jessica: (In Unison) Picking out the clothes, and styling the models!

Stay turned for exclusive interviews with the each of the 7 dancers!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite American Apparel of all time. They were very efficient in looking for our sizes in the back and was understanding.

    American Apparel Clothing
