March 05, 2012

Summer 2012 :Volunteer Abroad

The world Is Our Village

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does – William James.

At CAISA Fashion Show, we are all about giving back in ways we can. Every action matters, as small or grandiose it may be. Travel Cuts provides students with the opportunity to ‘Volunteer Abroad, Travel with Purpose’.  Whether you want to gain experience in teaching, social work, health and medical and conservation, placements are available  across Tanzania, Ghana, Nepal, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Peru and Ecuador. 
Summer is just two months away, so start planning! To find out more about placement information, costs and application details, visit the Volunteer Abroad website at or visit your local Travel Cuts in the UCC basement.


  1. Hi

    Volunteer abroad is the source where we can gain experience in teaching, social work, health, and medical.

    volunteer abroad

  2. Hello,

    Internships and work experience are a great way to explore the world and learn skills which will last longer than your trip... Enjoy all of your articles, good blog,good website,Thanks

    Voluntariado en Peru
