January 29, 2012

INTERVIEW: 7 Deadly Sins (Sloth)

-Sloth; Reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness

Name: Allen Rho

Would representing “sloth” be within your comfort zone, or is it a new area of experimentation?

Oh, yea… I’m so lazy (laughing). I guess portraying it in the dancing would be challenging. But for me, the personality… that’s not the challenge.

When did you start dancing, and what inspired you to start?

Two and a half years ago. And that’s a very funny thing… because… there’s another dancer in CAISA Fashion Show… that was a part of a Toronto dance group called “CT Genesis”. They’re one of the groups that got me interested in dancing. It’s a big honour to be dancing along side one of these coaches… Christine Song!

What gives you inspiration to be creative?

To be honest, I’ve always just been a dancer so I haven’t really had a creative side. Until recently, I started to choreograph and make my own pieces. So that’s a really big step for me. What inspire me… are my peers and colleagues who dance with me. They always push me, and I always look up to them. Seeing them improve inspires me to improve.

What type of dance do you do?

I’m kind of like a… Jack of all trades… in that I know a little bit of everything. My main genres are break dancing and hip-hop.

What do you hope to learn from being a part of CAISA Fashion Show?

Just... to have fun!

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